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Meet VCA

John McCoskrie

John McCoskrie’s journey as a Voluntary Chaplaincy Assistant (VCA) is rooted in faith and his love for connecting with people. "I believed that’s what God wanted me to do," he reflects, adding that his enjoyment of meeting new people further inspired him to serve in this role.

For John, one of the most rewarding aspects of being a VCA is hearing people’s life stories and offering the presence of God in an often-secular environment. Whether with patients, families, or staff, his goal is to provide support with compassion and understanding.

Central to his role is maintaining confidentiality, exercising discretion, and knowing when a patient has reached their emotional limit. These moments require sensitivity and discernment, which John has developed through experience. However, he admits that the most challenging aspect of his role is listening carefully without reacting to beliefs or opinions that differ from his own.

John emphasizes the importance of strong communication skills, particularly given the diversity of people he encounters in the hospital wards. His ability to connect with others helps foster a space where patients feel safe to share their stories.

“We’re here to serve, by listening to and encouraging anybody regardless of who they are.”

When not volunteering, John enjoys reading, following politics, gardening, and singing. He also has a passion for water sports, including surfing, waterskiing, and windsurfing—a unique and adventurous side to this dedicated VCA.

Through his commitment and kindness, John plays a vital role in extending the reach of chaplaincy services. His presence offers hope, comfort, and spiritual care to those facing some of life’s most challenging moments.

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Because we all need a little extra care at times

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