To Whom it May Concern:
I would like to write to you to share with you my recent experiences as an inpatient on the acute mental health ward at Tauranga hospital. Having suffered a nervous breakdown, I was most impressed by the two female chaplains who were available to us on the ward. They took part in daily ward life without being invasive at any time. It was very reassuring to know they were available to talk yet they did not force themselves upon anybody or try to preach their particular religious inclination. Now I have been discharged and am well on the way to recovery, I can appreciate how comforting it was to have them discreetly available should anyone want somebody to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. So often people only take the time to write to complain about services they have received. I hope you will be able to take this opportunity to pass on my praise and thanks to the team at Tauranga hospital.
Kind Regards,
A Patient
